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Merry Christmas, I hope the peace of Christ has found it’s way to you all this season. This week here on the farm we have had a couple of sows farrow so there are 16 little kune piglets in the barn. I am still waiting on more goats to kid but I have a few weeks to wait. The weather has been mild here in Indiana this past week and the animals have been out grazing on what is left of the pasture.

It’s time to start getting out those seed catalogs and planning your spring garden. Don’t wait this year if it is anything like last year the good stuff may run out if you wait to long. What will you plant this season and how much, the grocery store shelves have been getting sparser and sparser here in the homeland so we will focus on vegetable’s that fill our larders like potatoes and onions, things we use everyday here on the homestead. Don’t get me wrong there will beans and tomatoes and greens as well as herbs but our focus will be on staples.

As I said above Merry Christmas or happy holidays which ever you believe in, may your day be happy and the season bring you peace in these troubled times. Enjoy your friends and family and be thankful that they are there. May your homestead be blessed this holiday season.

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