Happy New Year everyone, I hope that the new year will be great for everyone. Here on the farm we are looking forward to a great new year and increased productivity from the farm. My resolution is to make the farm more self-sufficient this year. I plan to do that by planting more food stuffs for the animals and using more of what we grow here on the farm as well as selling more produce this season.

It looks liken this year will be a busy one with all of the wars going on and the contentious elections coming up this year. I suggest that if you don’t already have a supply of food put back that you do so, at least a few weeks worth. How quickly we forget the past and the pandemic that killed the toilet paper industry. It could happen again and history has shown us that wars can affect us here on the home front as well as in the theater of combat. In times past our ancestors put back a years worth of food every year because they didn’t know if this years crops would be any good or not and they didn’t want to take any chances on starving. Today we can just go to the grocery and pick up supper as we please but that time may come to a close as the upheavals in the world get worse and worse.

Start this new years out right and make a commitment to your pantry by buying a few extra items each time you go to the store or pick up any good deals on produce or meats and can them at home yourself, nothing says that you have to grow it to can it.

As you go through this time of upheaval remember that our parents and grandparents went through many of the same trials and they lived through it or you wouldn’t be here today. You can get